Richard & Anna Van der Aa
"Opaque Transparency" a ParisCONCRET project
Curated by Richard van der Aa July 2015
Louise Blyton (au)
Henk Delabie (be)
Barbara Gaile (fr)
Kyle Jenkins (au)
Daniel Levine (us)
Janet Meester (nl)
Paul Raguenes (fr)
Patrick Sauze (fr)
Clary Stolte (nl)
John Tallman (us)
Richard van der Aa (fr)
Cecilia Vissers (nl)
Werner Windisch (de)
Douglas Witmer (us)
Curated by Richard van der Aa July 2015
exhibition Opaque Transparency presents work by a select group of 14
artists who have used monochromatic means to reach their goals. I don’t
believe artists set out to make monochrome paintings – rather they find
themselves at that point after following the logic of their own
trajectory. They have arrived there from widely differing starting
places. The exhibition explores a rich variety of expression which
exists within seemingly narrow parameters. Opaque Transparency will be
accompanied by an essay by Roland Thompson. The ParisCONCRET association
exists to foster an international dialogue and collaboration amongst
artists working in the field of non-objective art. After presenting
continuous exhibitions in their Paris space from 2009 to 2014, directors
Richard and Anna van der Aa decided to change the format of the
association’s activities. Opaque Transparency at Look & Listen is
the first manifestation of the ParisCONCRET curatorial initiative since
closing the doors at rue des Immeubles Industriels in June 2014
Louise Blyton (au)
Henk Delabie (be)
Barbara Gaile (fr)
Kyle Jenkins (au)
Daniel Levine (us)
Janet Meester (nl)
Paul Raguenes (fr)
Patrick Sauze (fr)
Clary Stolte (nl)
John Tallman (us)

Richard van der Aa (fr)
Cecilia Vissers (nl)
Werner Windisch (de)
Douglas Witmer (us)